Gurdaspur, May 13 ( Bureau ) – As per the directions of Hon’ble Justice M.S. Ramachandra Rao, Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, S.A.S. Nagar and under the able guidance of Sh. Rajinder Aggarwal, Ld. District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairperson, District Legal Services Authority, Gurdaspur, Sh. Sumit Bhalla, Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Gurdaspur today organized National Lok Adalat in District Court, Complex, Gurdaspur and at Sub-Division, Batala Sh. Sumit Bhalla, Ld Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Gurdaspur apprised that during this National Lok Adalat various types of cases i.e. Criminal Compoundable Cases, Cases U/s. 138 of NIAct, Bank Recovery Cases, MACT cases, Matrimonial Cases, Labour Dispute cases, Land Acquisition Cases, Electricity and Water Bills Cases, Services Matters relating to pay allowance, Revenue cases, Retrial benefits and other Civil Cases(rent, easmentary rights, injunction suits, specific Performance suits) etcwere put up in the said National Lok Adalat. Sh. Sumit Bhalla also apprised that Pre-litigative Cases i.e. Case U/s. 138 of NIAct, Bank Recovery Cases, Labour Dispute, Electricity and Water Bills and others (Criminal Compoundable, Matrimonial and other Civil Dispute were also taken up.
During this National Lok Adalat total 11 benches were constituted. Sh. Sumit Bhalla, Ld. Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Gurdaspur further apprised that total 2735 cases were taken up, which were pending in the various Courts and 1723 cases pending in Courts were settled and 22 Pre-litigative cases were also settled Total 1745 cases were settled and amount of Rs. 193504843/- was passed in the above said cases.
Sh. Sumit Bhalla, Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Gurdaspur also apprised the benefits of National Lok Adalat that in National Lok Adalat there is speedy disposal of cases Award of Lok Adalat is deemed to be the decree of the Civil Court, no Appeal lies against the Award of Lok Adalat. Decisions are taken through Compromise. Refund of entire Court fee is made and Decisions are final in nature. He further apprised that every litigant willing for settlement through Lok Adalat can request the Presiding Officer of the Court where his case is pending or in case of pre-litigative matters, request can be made to Civil Judge (Senior Division)-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority.
In today National Lok Adalat Ms. Jasbir Kaur, Principal Judge (Family Court), Gurdaspur also shared two success stories. In one case, the marriage of the parties was solemnized in the year 2019 and both the parties were residing separately from one year and the matter came before the Ld. Court and efforts were made to reconcile between the parties. Finally, with the efforts of the bench, the parties agreed to resolve their differences and both the parties decided to live together peacefully. The husband agreed to provide maintenance Rs. 2000/- per month and applicant agreed to withdraw the application. In the second case, marriage of both the parties was solemnized in the year 2017 and both the parties were living separately from one year. Again with the intervention of the Bench, the efforts for the reconciliation were made between the parties but both the parties could not agree to reunite, yet with the intervention of the Ld. Court, both parties agreed to settle the dispute amicably. Both the parties agreed to file the Petition under section 13-B of Hindu Marriage Act for dissolution of marriage with mutual consent.